You often hear and see advertisement for penis enlargement that include surgery, pills, creams, and phallic appliances that are designed to increase you length and girth. Let's put a stop to the questioning you have about whether or not they work. They don't. At least, they don't work with any sort of regularity that most men prefer when attempting to make their penis larger than it already is.
Penis enlargement exercises, however, do work and they do not leave you with nasty side effects like penile instability, infection, or other problems that arise when using them. Exercises done properly actually work the muscles of your penis and help promote better blood flow to the erectile tissue that causes your penis to harden when you are aroused. You could within a month's time actually lengthen your penis up to 3" and widen your girth up to 1".
If you're not sure whether or not this works, then try the following three exercises for a month. You'll be working your penis in a similar fashion the way you work any other muscle group in your body and you will not have to deal with the nasty side effects the other methods cause. Once you have mastered these exercises, there are others you can add to your 'work out' to additionally improve your penis' length, girth, and your sexual stamina. Be consistent with your workouts and you will see a difference even when your penis is flaccid.
The first exercise is called the Kegel exercise. This is the same exercise that women do after having children to strengthen the PC muscle. This muscle is located on a man between the anus and the scrotum and it is the muscle you flex when you stop your urine flow. Start with flexing it for 3 seconds before relaxing and work from 20-30 to about 300 a day. By strengthening this muscle, you will be able to increase your stamina and control your ejaculation during sex.
The second exercise is called Jelqing. It helps increase the girth of your penis by moving the blood flow deeper into the erectile tissue. Starting at the base of your shaft, wrap your forefinger around your semi-erect penis and connect it to your thumb as if you were making an 'OK' sign. Apply enough pressure to move the blood beneath the skin down the shaft towards the head of your penis. When you reach the head, repeat the action with the other hand. Start with 25 of these every day the first week and work your way to 200 a day.
Finally, the length extender exercise will help you stretch the ligaments in your penis to give you added length. Take your flaccid penis in a firm grip around the head and pull your penis foreword, feeling the stretch but not stretching it to the point of discomfort. Hold for 30 seconds and then repeat. Do this ten times and work up to 100 times pulling your penis in each direction to make sure the ligaments are stretched equally. In between each set of ten, massage your penis to get the blood flowing in it.
Penis girth enhancers
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