Getting a bigger penis is a cinch if you use the right methods consistently and correctly. Heck, I am a regular guy, nothing special, not a genius or anything, and I went from a below-average 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to over 8 inches long and exactly 6 inches around using ridiculously easy techniques that any guy can duplicate.
To help other men gain penis size as quickly and permanently as I did, here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about getting a bigger penis:
How much length and thickness can I add to my penis by having surgery?
Up to 2 inches of length and ZERO inches of girth. That's right, surgery will NOT make your penis any bigger around. That is why I never advise it; why subject yourself to the cost and the risks when the most vital thing for giving a woman pleasure -- girth -- cannot be obtained with surgery?
Is there a pill I can take to make my penis longer and thicker?
No! There is nothing in any pill that will increase the length and thickness of your penis, even by a millimeter. Save your money and your time.
Is it really possible to get a bigger penis naturally using just your hands?
YES! I did, and went from 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to over 8 inches long and exactly 6 inches around. Use unbiased sources and study up on natural penis enlargement. Learn as much as you can. Then use your knowledge to formulate an action plan and put it to use today! If you do that, I guarantee you will see NOTICEABLE results in weeks. Your penis will be longer, thicker, and much more satisfying to women!
Increasing penis thickness
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