Grow bigger penis
Now that we have a better understanding of the human body, we understand that you no longer need to have cosmetic surgery in order to make your penis bigger. You are now able to add length and girth to your penis without leaving your own home. There are now three simple simple massaging techniques that will allow you to enlarge your penis.
The first technique will be your warm up. This technique will allow you to loosen up your penile tissue before you to the main massage. Loosening up your tissue first will ensure that you do not damage your penile tissue during the main massage. By damaging your tissue you could end up with permanent impotence.The second technique will be your main massage. The is the massage that will stretch your penile tissue. During the technique you will only need your hand and some massaging lotion. You will learn a "milking" technique that will apply a certain amount of friction to your penile tissue. As your tissue stretches, more blood will then start to flow through it. That added blood flow is what will keep your tissue from returning to its original size.The third and last technique will be your cool down. Since you will be fully erected during the second massag; you will need to allow your penis to safely return to its original state. The last technique is just a slow massage that will allow your penis to do that.Start learning the three techniques to make your penis bigger and never again do you have to be ashamed of having an undersized penis.
Grow bigger penis
Grow bigger penis. 3 Steps to Making Your Penis Bigger
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