Learning how to enlarge your penis is possible if you have time and patience on your side. The method illustrated in this article is one of the most popular penis enlargement methods used amongst men. This method is known as penis enlargement exercises.
Penis enlargement exercises not only works, but is safe to use when executed correctly. Learning how to enlarge your penis will also help to improve the overall health and performance your penis.
In order to perform theses exercises, you will need; 1 hand towel, lots of lubricant and your hands.
The exercises illustrated in this article are very basic. In order to get a full and effective penis enlargement workout, it is advised that you join a high quality penis enlargement exercises program.
So, let us begin;
The routine we are about to embark on will get the blood flowing in your penis and in turn help prevent any injuries to your penis when doing the other exercises.
This penis exercise routine is called the" wake up cloth".
Pour hot yet manageable water over the hand towel until it is completely soaked.
Wrap the towel around your penis and testicles and leave it there for around 1minute. This can feel a bit painful, but shouldn't last too long.
Remove the towel form your penis and pour hot yet manageable water over the towel again until it is soaked.
Wrap the towel around your penis and testicles and leave it there for 1 - 2 minutes. If at this point you feel that your penis is loose, you are ready to move on to the next exercise. It not, apply the warm up procedure once again
The next penis enlargement exercise is known as the "long shlong". This exercise helps to increase the length size of your penis;
Before starting this exercise, always make sure that your penis is completely warmed up and that it is totally limp and flaccid. It is very dangerous to do execute the "long shlong" if do not meet those conditions.
Firmly hold your penis just below its head and pull your penis in front of you, applying enough pressure so that you can feel it slightly stretching. Hold it there for 15 seconds, and then relax. Repeat this routine a few times.
At this point you should relax your penis and gentle massage its head.
Now pull your penis to the left side of your body and apply enough pressure until you feel it slightly stretching. Hold it there of 15 seconds, then relax and massage the head of your penis.
Pull your penis to the right side of your body and apply enough pressure until you feel it slightly stretching. Hold it there of 15 seconds, then relax and massage the head of your penis.
Repeat this routine a few times.
The next penis enlargement exercise is known as the "jelq". This exercise helps to increase the length and girth of your penis;
Once again, make sure that your penis is completely warmed up.
Apply more than enough lubricant on your hands and make sure that you apply this exercises routine on a partial penis erection of 70 - 80 %.
Hold the penis firmly with your finger and thumb using the "OK" sign.
Move your forefinger and thumb from the bottom of your penis shaft up to just before the head of your penis. By doing this movement, you are in effect pushing the blood to the head of your penis.
Just before you reach the part before the head of your penis, use your other hand to do the same process. The effect should be that of "milking" your penis.
Continue to do this routine a few times.
Remember, the penis enlargement exercises routines mentioned above are basic. These exercise routines can help you to achieve gains in penis size of 1 - 2 inches within 6 - 8 months. Yes, that means you have to do these exercises for 6 - 8 months.
It is imperative that you never over do any of these exercises. The best way to ensure that you do these exercises correctly is by joining a high quality penis enlargement program. These programs are designed in such a way that you will not only get the gains in penis size faster, but also that these gains are achieved with no injury to your penis.
Quick penis growth
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